{Note: If your browser does not distinguish
between "a,b" and "α, β" (the Greek letters
"alpha, beta")
then I am afraid you will not be able to make much sense of the
equations on this page.}
All the objects considered so far have been "fixed
stars", The most important one to consider is the Sun. The reason the Sun behaves this way is that the
Earth's axis is tilted to its orbital plane. Any two great circles intersect at two nodes.
The symbols used for the spring and autumn
The most northerly point of the ecliptic is called
(in the northern hemisphere) Thus the Sun's motion is simple when referred to the
ecliptic; Exercise: The Moons orbit is tilted
at 5°8' to the ecliptic. Would the Moon always be
circumpolar, at this latitude? Click here
for the answer. In
the ecliptic system of coordinates, To fix the ecliptic coordinates of an object X on the
celestial sphere, The ecliptic (or celestial) latitude
of X (symbol β)
The ecliptic (or celestial)
longitude of X (symbol λ)
To convert between ecliptic and equatorial
coordinates, use the spherical triangle KPX.
Exercise: Show that, for any object on
the ecliptic, Click here
for the answer. Previous section:
Galactic coordinates
which keep almost constant values of Right Ascension
and declination.
But bodies within the Solar System change
their celestial positions.
Sun's declination can be found by measuring its altitude when
it's on the meridian (at midday).
The Sun's Right Ascension
can be found by measuring the Local Sidereal Time of meridian
We find that the Sun's RA increases by approximately 4
minutes a day,
and its declination varies between +23°26' and
This path apparently followed by Sun is called the
The angle of tilt is
+23°26', which is called the obliquity of the ecliptic
(symbol ε).
The node where the Sun crosses the equator from south to north
(the ascending node)
is called the vernal (or spring)
The Sun passes through this point around March 21st
each year.
This is the point from which R.A. is measured, so here
RA = 0h.
At RA = 12h, the descending node is called the
autumnal equinox;
the Sun
passes through this point around September 23rd each year.
both these points, the Sun is on the equator,
and spends 12 hours
above horizon and 12 hours below.
("Equinox" means
"equal night": night equal to day.)
are the astrological symbols for Aries and Libra.
the Summer Solstice (RA =
the Sun passes through this point around June 21st each
The most southerly point is the Winter Solstice (RA =
the Sun passes through this point around December 21st each
At the northern Summer Solstice, the northern hemisphere of
Earth is tipped towards Sun,
giving longer hours of daylight and
warmer weather
(despite the fact that Earth's slightly elliptical
orbit takes it furthest from the Sun in July!)
also the Moon and the planets move near to the
So the ecliptic system is sometimes more useful
than the equatorial system for solar-system objects.
What is the lowest latitude from
which the Moon may never set (the Moons arctic circle)?
the fundamental great
circle is the ecliptic.
The zero-point is still
the vernal equinox.
Take K as the northern pole of the ecliptic,
K' as the southern one.
draw the great circle from K to K' through X.
is the angular distance from the ecliptic to X,
measured from
-90° at K' to +90° at K.
Any point on the ecliptic has
ecliptic latitude 0°.
is the angular distance along the ecliptic
from the vernal
equinox to the great circle through X.
It is measured eastwards
(like R.A.), but in degrees, 0°-360°.
tan(δ) = sin(α)
where (α, δ)
are the object's Right Ascension and declination,
and ε
is the obliquity of the ecliptic.
Next section: The relation between ecliptic
and equatorial coordinates
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